5 Benefits of Reusable Shopping Bags for Retailers
5 Benefits of Reusable Shopping Bags for Retailers

Some U.S. states have enacted plastic ban laws to help mitigate the plastic pollution crisis. States like California and New York are at the forefront of the single-use plastic ban, with U.S. territory Hawaii banning non-biodegradable material outright in most central counties. With these laws in place, many retailers now carry reusable shopping bags.

Indeed, businesses and corporations play a significant role in reducing the effects of the crisis since they’re the largest producers and users of plastic. However, retailers based in states with no ban on plastic materials should consider switching to reusable bags anyway, as it can provide them several benefits.

If you’re planning to transition to eco-friendly grocery bag alternatives, this article will highlight the benefits of reusable shopping bags and why you should make the switch.

Why Switch to Reusable Shopping Bags?

1. Lower your operating costs

Single-use plastic shopping bags cost retailers a lot of money, as over-reliance on plastic bags allows manufacturers to increase or maintain prices without consequence. According to a study, the plastic bag and sacks market’s estimated value was $8.4 billion in 2021 alone. The results also showed that the industry will see further growth by 2028, projected to reach around $18.5 billion.

Fortunately, reusable shopping bags are becoming a more viable and budget-friendly alternative. Reusable grocery bags may vary in price, depending on the material and design.

However, ordering in bulk lowers the cost of each piece. Offering reusable bags also encourages people to bring their own instead of buying from the grocery every time they shop. So by switching to reusable shopping bags, you can cut your operating costs by not having to reorder large amounts of grocery bags regularly.

2. Reduce your environmental impact

Disposable plastic bags are recyclable. Unfortunately, recycling rates remain low, with most plastic bags getting dumped in landfills. According to research, approximately only 1 to 3% of plastic bags are recycled every year.

Take polyethylene (PE), for instance. PE is a crucial ingredient in plastic production. Since PE is non-biodegradable, it takes a long time to break down, leading to litter in landfills.

Making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives can significantly contribute to the efforts in combating harm to the environment, humans, and animals that non-biodegradable materials would have otherwise brought. 

A prime example of a reusable shopping bag is non-woven tote bags. These eco-friendly bags decompose and become part of the soil, leaving no trace of the material in landfills.

3. Appeal to environmentally aware consumers

Most customers tend to patronize businesses that share the same values. With society becoming more environmentally conscious, pushing an eco-friendly initiative by switching to reusable shopping bags can work in your company’s favor. 

In a 2021 survey, 67% of respondents expressed their preference for products to use recyclable packaging materials. 

These findings prove that sustainability and green initiatives are prime factors in customers’ buying habits. Consequently, switching to reusable shopping bags allows you to reach an audience that’s otherwise inaccessible to other retailers. Here, a culture of environmental awareness through sustainable shopping bags helps you establish rapport with consumers and foster brand loyalty.

4. Promote your brand

Big and small businesses alike can promote their brand by using reusable grocery bags. Nowadays, companies can design fun and stylish custom reusable shopping bags to market their business and raise brand awareness. Statistics show that 73% of customers own reusable bags, making them an easy-to-implement marketing tool. 

Green consumers who use your customized eco bag to shop in different stores indirectly promote your business to a broader audience. This means you can enjoy free advertising and increase your brand’s reputation as an ally to environmental efforts.

5. Adhere to state plastic ban laws

Aside from prominent U.S. states like New York and California, 18 other states have also implemented laws specifically banning plastics. Maine became the first state to enact a law that prevents retailers from selling plastic shopping bags. As the years went on, state lawmakers have created at least 95 bills related to plastic bag usage.

Most of these laws either place a fee on plastic bags or outright ban them, while others encourage or require states to improve their bag recycling initiatives. 

With more plastic bag-related laws being implemented, making the conscious decision to switch to reusable shopping bags can benefit you in the long haul.

Switch to Reusable Shopping Bags Today

Sustainable ideologies have become more prominent in recent years, and companies are exploring different strategies to cater to consumers’ demands. One of the easiest ways to meet eco-friendly needs is switching to reusable shopping bags.

These environmentally-friendly alternatives allow you to save on monetary resources, contribute to preserving nature, and help promote your business. Switching to reusable shopping bags is an accessible first step for most retailers to start or improve their green initiatives.

If you’re looking for a reliable reusable shopping bag seller, look no further than Oceos Packaging. Oceos manufactures a wide range of reusable shopping and tote bags made from sustainable materials, including recycled PET, hemp, and jute. Check out our catalog of custom reusable shopping bags, or contact us for further inquiries.

    Published: July 4, 2022


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